Tuesday, July 6, 2010

hello again..

have not been updating here for a long time...
busy with things...graduation...find jobs...and others
that's one of the reason for not updating...
another ...there have been many thoughts coming through my head...
thoughts and feelings...
but still unable to write all these out...
maybe because of the insecurity of just writing them out..feel unsafe maybe...
thoughts that are positive & negative
thoughts that have determination
and also thoughts that can hurt oneself or others..
will try to update here the best i can...
yet sometimes..some thoughts meant to not to be said..

just a dew things nid to report on:
found a temp job,
nid find another since temp job gg to end.
yeah...graduate..is a good thing and oso bad thing
be broke now and then
still wanted to learn piano,guitar and korean
still 'chasing' my unnie and HJ
still duno what I want
still have no aim in life...
that's all..

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