Monday, July 19, 2010

Things to do...

  1. Find a FT Job
  2. Obtain driving license
  3. Learn guitar / piano (could some one plz teach me?!hopeless in self-learning)
  4. Learn basic korean (at least should be able to read and speak simply>.<)
  5. Save money for Korea trip
  6. Get better skin
  7. Resolve teeth condition
  8. Get contacts?? (still pending...3D movie keep give me the urge to have a pair)
  9. Build up habit to record down things in notebook (tough one...)
  10. Financial management
  11. Habit of running 3 times a week
  12. Build abs??? (Haha...duno why..train for fun. I want Yoona abs!!)
so far that's all...finish up all these first and settle others lata...

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