Monday, June 2, 2008


went out with my sis
early in the morning
suddenly jumped onto my bed
"want go ThisFashion?"
then kana pull by her to payalebar
accompany her shop

after that meet LiHua
haven seen her for a long time
since now that we are at different sch
living different kind of sch life
she accompany me to kino
coz wan to see if my books came and see giddens
went there saw Giddens
and..for sure my books did came!
*that's means i dun nid to order them anymore^^*

(Giddens,chinese pen-name:九把刀.He is a 网路作者.)
some of his books that turn into drama:
like his 杀手series...nice
haven try reading his 爱*作品
it's the 2nd time went to autograph event
the first one is FIR d,with eslyn
九把刀made a short talk abt his books
it's a real story abt him
the event was short
only 1hr(2pm-3pm)...
went off after autographed
since we still gt other places to go to

my books gt autographed.
dun have enough money to buy vol.1 and 2
so only bought vol.3
i oso saw that ger that in the superhost d..
last time during competition they sae she look lyk 陶子tat one.

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