Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Ethan Ruan,Joe Chen and Chen Ming Zhang director gg to apply Golden Bell using Fated to Love You!!

Ethan Ruan and Baron Chen gg to 裸泳on 26june*-_-no interest*(since mzzd broke 10)
*y do main guy always have to drag a innocent victim which is the 2nd main guy with him?*
current avg rating-9.17(4yrs and above) highest rating-10.93

人红是非多-Ethan Ruan been said 劈腿by ex-gf
(learnt more from QE lah...一笑带过,看看就好)

Jeff Chen and Zhang Feng Shu said if broke 15.73,both of them will 裸泳(-_-''')

壹周刊sae about Jeff Chen and Jade Zhou 绯闻 ,sae that they gt 暧昧.their 绯闻started from Yes(天下第一味)
*for all the time i trying to ignore wad tis mag said for it is either negative or being made up.but tis time,they are getting too over.For goodness sake!The age gap between them is 9yrs old! even though age isnt a problem,but the main ting is!the guy already married and the guy is attached!!hello?!do you wan them to gt divorce,broke up or wad?furthermore,if Jade wan to choose oso will choose her bf rather than Jeff...(director ma is more 帅and体贴lor)*argh**

there is still unsure whether jeff gg to act the whole series...

news abt settv gg to break Jeff and Jade up in the show.making it that Jeff with Zhang Feng Shu and Jade with Tony *sad!!since i'm 圣杰and慧雯fans in 天下第一味^^*

1min plus trailer already show on entertainment 100%
-showing only show and Jerry

Q1: Is it Show gg to be the 1st main guy?since there's a feeling he gg to end up with the main ger?*i wan jerry~*
Q2:is the plot orginal?or is adapted frm somewhere?coz it sounded lyk slam dunk and some other drama.Show char look lyk 樱木花道-_-
Q3:is it gg to be a Lame/comedy drama?

*somebody pls ans my questions*

ps:XiaoQian,Happy birthday!

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