Saturday, October 11, 2008

The 2 movie that I wanted to see in 2008:
(beside hanadan final and 10 promises
with my dog)

Twilight movie

The Butterfly Lovers 2008
Charlene Choi - 心如蝶梦MV (Butterfly Lovers Theme song)


watch twilight
due to the movie is abt vampires
due to I read the story and it's nice

watch butterfly lovers
due to gt ah sa and Hu ge inside
due to the trailer look nice
however think the ending gg to make me sad again
I alrd see so many version of butterfly lover and i still watching it-_-
watch Jia Jing Wen version
watch He Ren Dong and Dong Jie version
watch Wu Qi Long and Yang Cai Ni version(this the saddest)
and now gg to watch ah sa and wu zun version-_-'''
(I hate the part they actually ask Hu ge act as "Ma wen cai" char.WTH)

Butterfly lovers 2008 in cinemas in 16Oct
Twilight gg to be in cinemas in 21nov

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