Monday, September 29, 2008

I'm getting hopeless with soldering
1st 2 lesson, soldering iron gt prob
nw, finally no prob with it, but my soldering really sucks
even though the faci sae actually is not bad
*faci, actually i rather you sae the truth-_-it the worst!*

I rather pissed off by the word 'circuit analysis' lately
esp if my that ex-analogue/currentDE2/DAA in-charge sae this
hello?we din learnt that and they just directly let us study linear circuit
which is the part 2 of circuit analysis
we din even noe gt this module
and the 1st few lesson the other course ppl that gt studied started saying
'frm what we learnt frm in circuit analysis...' and the faci asked'you din study this in circuit analysis?' *crap**yes sir, we DONT
when the 1st time they sae about this circuit analysis
all the DAA ppl are like'WTH are they toking about?what superposition?'
and all we can do is just try to figure out circuit analysis by ourselves
AND continue to scold the DAA in-charge *what else can we do?*
this is really gg to PBL.

I cant log in my com nw.tsk tsk.HAIZ
tml need to travel all the way back to woodlands
i cant do much things now
My circuit analysis ppt is in my com...
My twilight series is in my com...
My hk drama is in my com...
My 6p is in my com...
I cant study my UT...
I cant read my twilight series...
I dun have 真情满天下to watch...
I dun have 少年四大名pu to watch...
I cant watch kate and kenneth video...

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