Wednesday, May 14, 2008

change blog web again
changing frm:
blogspot->wretch->xuite-> blogspot
actually did consider abt pixnet,
but then...forget it...i dun wan torture those who cant read chinese well anymore
muz 积德lah *cough*

anyway for who, whom noe what I usually do on wed-_-'''
I go 混again

this time my 混 schedule:
1st: sch library
2nd: eat lunch with michelle
3rd:national library
4th:bras basah
5th:eat with rebecc
last:uob bank?! (erm...tis i cant help abt it>.< ) plan to go bras basah to find my killer series books... *at bookshop* seller:"sry,we dun have the previous volumes of this title as we din bring it back here.If u wan them, u have to order...abt 2mths" rui: orh..okie..nvm..thanks (2mths?!OMG....better consider carefully first) when can i ever have the whole series?T_T

AND I end up buying this...

sounds and read not bad..hmm...

went food junction to eat with rebecca
manage to pull her accompany me
muahaha..teaching children bad things0.o
she fell on the stairs when she cuming down with her food
poor her...
i din really realise she fell...oops
lucky her rice still safe and sound (still can eat)

dead beat when reached hme
carried 10 big pears and oranges EACH home
PLUS my bag do I make it alive? i wonder...

here's a pic of my mum's mother day present frm me and my sis-s
which technically sae is my eldest sis bought it and put our names
while i give lao ma cash...simple and nice

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