Thursday, May 22, 2008


do you understand
what I am upset about
its isnt because that you ask me to go find you
its isnt because that i find it unwilling

juz that...
I'm upset that you din kept your promises
its not just small promise that have been broken
you did it numerous of times
one by one
you din kept the promise

many years it have been the same situation
over and over again
and yet...
I still kept finding many reasons to help you explain
maybe you forgt about it
may be it juz a slip of your mind
may be....if you really will rmb...

do it have to be when the colour of my faces changes
or my tone changes
then you realise it
I know that I'm not gd at hiding my feelings nor expression
but does it nid to make the atmosphere tense
then you realise something

you always sae that I din kept mine
but have you ever consider why
I know i shldnt blame on others
yet I learnt that maybe some promises are meant to be broken afterall

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