Thursday, May 29, 2008


sth rare happen...
my course actually have female faci?!0.o

my faci went reservice
and that female faci is take our class for a day

i noe there's female faci in my course
but meeting one...the chance is 0.1%?

impression of her:
  • weak(not meant by physically)
  • no.1 female faci that i totally feel lyk ignore her, hack care abt her
  • (usually i lyk female faci compare to male faci*cos male faci r bored,female faci more fun*)
  • get the least respect from me(no matter how much i nt interested, i will usually give face to faci by concentrate fully on what she sae. but this i almost totally "ah..ya..ya..orh")
  • small urge of wanting to slap her(dun ask me why...我不知道)
some funny facts happen in class:
  • team 5 uploaded the PS when they suppose to upload the PDT and there's the faci goes.."who so 大胆huh?"
  • as continue in 3rd 5 PPT "new english"
  • Lift-to-drag ration:hmm... i duno that drag needed help...lift have compassion to help drag out=x*should be 'ratio' instead of 'ration'*
  • Angel of Attack: sounds so online game.looks lyk angel oso will only attack at certain point only.*is'angle' not 'angel'.when AOA reached certain point,the plane will stall*
  • Farther:Father?!when do father concern with PPT?or is it a new english vocab that i didnt learnt b4?*'further' not 'farther'*

Thursday, May 22, 2008


do you understand
what I am upset about
its isnt because that you ask me to go find you
its isnt because that i find it unwilling

juz that...
I'm upset that you din kept your promises
its not just small promise that have been broken
you did it numerous of times
one by one
you din kept the promise

many years it have been the same situation
over and over again
and yet...
I still kept finding many reasons to help you explain
maybe you forgt about it
may be it juz a slip of your mind
may be....if you really will rmb...

do it have to be when the colour of my faces changes
or my tone changes
then you realise it
I know that I'm not gd at hiding my feelings nor expression
but does it nid to make the atmosphere tense
then you realise something

you always sae that I din kept mine
but have you ever consider why
I know i shldnt blame on others
yet I learnt that maybe some promises are meant to be broken afterall

Sunday, May 18, 2008

MuSiC uPdAtEd!!!

NewS PV :
  • Weeeek
  • Taiyou No Namida -Kurosagi Movie Theme
  • KISS-by Yuya and Masuda

HaTe mY hAiR

I hate my hair...
it's really sucks
so ugly
and i cant style it even
how can i go to sch with this?!
is there anything to cover it?
a cap?or wet it?
ruined my mood(-_-)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

change blog web again
changing frm:
blogspot->wretch->xuite-> blogspot
actually did consider abt pixnet,
but then...forget it...i dun wan torture those who cant read chinese well anymore
muz 积德lah *cough*

anyway for who, whom noe what I usually do on wed-_-'''
I go 混again

this time my 混 schedule:
1st: sch library
2nd: eat lunch with michelle
3rd:national library
4th:bras basah
5th:eat with rebecc
last:uob bank?! (erm...tis i cant help abt it>.< ) plan to go bras basah to find my killer series books... *at bookshop* seller:"sry,we dun have the previous volumes of this title as we din bring it back here.If u wan them, u have to order...abt 2mths" rui: orh..okie..nvm..thanks (2mths?!OMG....better consider carefully first) when can i ever have the whole series?T_T

AND I end up buying this...

sounds and read not bad..hmm...

went food junction to eat with rebecca
manage to pull her accompany me
muahaha..teaching children bad things0.o
she fell on the stairs when she cuming down with her food
poor her...
i din really realise she fell...oops
lucky her rice still safe and sound (still can eat)

dead beat when reached hme
carried 10 big pears and oranges EACH home
PLUS my bag do I make it alive? i wonder...

here's a pic of my mum's mother day present frm me and my sis-s
which technically sae is my eldest sis bought it and put our names
while i give lao ma cash...simple and nice