Thursday, August 14, 2008

starting of holi
still cant find job
haven complete PP

went to vivo with mum and grandma
go watch 12lotus
the movie is lyk 2hrs lor
abit too fanciful at the graphics,sad plot yet not a bad movie
almost choke by popcorn when saw sun yan zhi act as goddness of mercy
kept want to laugh when saw 715 singing(nt used to it)
the part David Gan appear is XD

12 lotus is actually a fu jian song...during young,the main lead wanted to sing 12lotus to goddness of mercy during 7th mth 12 LOTUS tells the story of a singer and the heartless men in her life who use and abuse her.As the singer sing finsh 12 chapters of 12 lotus...the movie oso cum to an end.

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